The Eiffel Tower project

Some charming details

Some days ago I felt a little tired working with that OSM stuff over and over, and I really wanted to model a bit again...
Have a look:


a) Morris Column

Advertising column, named after a guy called Gabriel Morris. Strange enough, because originally they have been invented by a German guy called Ernst Litfaß in 1854, so in Germany they are called "Litfaßsäule".
Gabriel Morris seemed to be a businessman holding the concession for street advertisement. He was born in 1837, so he was just 17 years old at the time the first columns have been installed.
I could imagine the reason for those columns called "Morris columns" (except for Germany) might be the rest of the world having some difficulties with the German "ß" ;-)


b) Public toilet

... in France having the charming name "Pissoir".
I got some reference from Berlin/Germany indeed, where those institutions are called "Café Achteck" (Achteck = Octagon).


c) Subway entrance

... designed by Hector Guimard at about 1900.
Originally lots of Métro stations followed Guimards design, but funny enough Paris' people came to the conclusion these elements being way too old-fashioned in 1910 already, so most of them had been removed. The one shown is located at Métro station Abbesses (Montmartre) in real life, but I think I'm gonna use it for all the Métro stations...


It was quite amusing modelling those charming details, and I couldn't resist setting up a small scenery and doing a quick and dirty render:

For private use I dragged some real posters to my Morris column, but won't show it here - surely don't want to struggle with copyright issues... sorry, folks.




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