The Eiffel Tower project


Funny enough the Paris OSM data didn't include bridges... but of course they are important. Inner Paris contains 37 bridges crossing the River Seine, and I modelled them one by one.

Let me just mention a few. Pont Mirabeaux:

Pont de Grenelle including the Statue of Liberty (the statue itself is CC0 third party stuff indeed):

Pont Rouelle:

Pont de Bir Hakeim:

I love this one, not only because the subway being included, too. It was quite ambitious - I had to respect about six different height levels before the railroad passes the next station:

Pont Alexandre III (including some empty pillars where I decided to ignore the statues. Doesn't look very good - I guess I'll have to include at least one or two different ones):

Linking the Seine Isles we have about 15 bridges:

Pont de Bercy, including a viaduct for the Métro line:

and last, not least a very modernistic one called "Passerelle Simone de Beauvoir":

I guess architects love bridges... they seem to stimulate their creativity ;-)
Of course bridges don't offer too much expectations - they have to be long enough to link the borders, and of course they should be able to carry some weight. Besides that they seem to offer a huge challenge for architects to integrate some interesting design elements...
Anyway it was fun creating them. Just an interesting job: trying to understand how the architecture operates...


Having some railroads and Métro lines included I decided to proceed those lines until they vanish in the sub.




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