The Eiffel Tower project

A short animation

Some time ago I was curious having a kind of overview over my project. So I did a small animation using a camera installed on Eiffel Tower's first floor and surrounding it. It covers some 180 degree angle from North West to South East.
Have a look:


Again let's have some discussion:


First to say: I did this animation for private fun only. Shouldn't be taken too serious.
Working with city houses here, some palais there you'll risk getting lost in details. So this overview should help me getting my feet back on the ground. And honestly speaking I like it ;-)
But anyway main purpose was to check my scenery.

Again I recognized that my OSM houses do a good job filling up my scenery. Might not be perfect in each single situation (some of them being too prominent and have to be replaced), but generally speaking the concept works. The model leaves the impression of a huge city without looking too "cheap".

Watching carefully you may recognize the background being non-homogenous some times; elements suddenly appear, others vanish. The reason is that I was busy doing the renders for several weeks while at the same time worked with the scenery. Sorry for that!


As well watching carefully you might recognize some of the trees not touching the ground properly:

Reason is that the tree-emitting mesh (need explanation? Look here) is shrinkwrapped onto the surface, and I used some wrong settings: Instead of using the default value "Nearest Surface Point" I should have used "Project", having negative Z defined as direction. It's fixed meanwhile.


Biggest problem at the moment: I still don't like the foreground area between the Eiffel Tower and the River Seine (a large road called "Quai Jacques Chirac"). It doesn't look very well defined, and the alley trees are a little poor. Gonna work it over.
I guess there's also a kind of park next to this road... adding some shrubs, additional trees and maybe some lawn should help.


Modelling the Invalides seemed to be a really good idea. It dominates the skyline as expected, and to me it looks really charming ;-)


Some time ago I had the idea doing a second animation with some different camera angle - lifted it up to the Eiffel Tower's second floor. But after doing some first test renders I didn't like it anymore; too much empty spaces had been visible. And I didn't want to crowd my model with too much OSM data and slow down my GPU - not at the moment. But I may resume this idea as soon as the Tower itself will be modelled.

And I think about doing some renders zooming onto some points of interest as well - let's see.




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